605 Hazel Brake

Lots 20, 21, 22, and 23

“The Doss Castle”

Built in 1918

Currently owned by Nik and Kelly

The Doss Castle was built in 1918 by Charles and Mabel Doss according to Bracken Brae’s own records. However newspaper articles show that the property was transferred in 1921 to the Doss family. There is also a concrete water catchment with the initials C. A. D., which stands for Charles Albert Doss, and has the date 1923 scratched into the concrete. This would suggest that the castle was also built between 1921 and 1923. The house was demolished after damage incurred in the 1989 Loma Prieta earthquake.

The original foundation exist and the property was excavated in 2020. Stairs leading up the hillside lead to a barbecue area, and spring water catchment, and an old time river rock well.

The Doss family built the cabin at 611 Hazel Brake in 1905. The Doss family was among the founders of Bracken Brae.